What We're Reading

November 2019 | Local Conflict and Security in Africa

This month, RESOLVE highlights local socio-political dynamics across Africa that contribute to violent conflict, including violent extremism. The articles provide in-depth analysis of local drivers of conflict and instability, structures of security and justice, and gendered experiences in the Sahel. Read more!



Benjaminsen, Tor A., and Boubacar Ba. “Why do pastoralists in Mali join jihadist groups? A political ecological explanation” The Journal of Peasant Studies, June 2, 2018. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03066150.2018.1474457 

Cisse, Ibrahim Abdoul Hayou. “Dangerous Speech in Central Mali: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Dogon-Fulani Relationship” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, October 19, 2016. https://www.ushmm.org/m/pdfs/Discourse_Analysis_Mali_Early_Warning_.pdf 

Davies, Sara E., and Jacqui True. “The Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace, and Security” Oxford University Press, 2019. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=zrh9DwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=women+peace+and+security+africa&ots=qp4O4Qmn_3&sig=kNLm4SLtOm-r-39RMSDiOgVYOtQ#v=onepage&q=women%20peace%20and%20security%20africa&f=false 

de Tessières, Savannah. “At the Crossroads of Sahelian Conflict: Insecurity, Terrorism, and Arms Trafficking in Niger” Small Arms Survey, January 2018. http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/fileadmin/docs/U-Reports/SAS-SANA-Report-Niger.pdf 

Henshaw, Alexis Leanna. “Why Women Rebel: Greed, Grievance, and Women in Armed Rebel Groups” Journal of Global Security Studies, August 22, 2016. https://academic.oup.com/jogss/article-abstract/1/3/204/2579843?redirectedFrom=fulltext 

Hudson, Valerie M., and Hilary Matfess. “In Plain Sight: The Neglected Linkage between Brideprice and Violent Conflict” International Security, Summer 2017. https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/Hot%20Spots/Documents/Gender/Hudson%201.pdf  

Molenaar, Fransje. “Irregular migration and human smuggling networks in Niger” Clingendael, February 2017. https://www.clingendael.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/irregular_migration_and_human_smuggling_networks_in_niger_0.pdf 

Molenaar, Fransje et al. “The Status Quo Defied: The legitimacy of traditional authorities in areas of limited statehood in Mali, Niger and Libya” Clingendael, August 2019. https://www.clingendael.org/publication/legitimacy-traditional-authorities-mali-niger-and-libya 

Rupesinghe, Natasja, and Yida Diall. “Women and the Katiba Macina in Central Mali” Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 2019. https://nupi.brage.unit.no/nupi-xmlui/handle/11250/2612965 

Tapscott, Rebecca. “Local security and the (un)making of public authority in Gulu, Northern Uganda” African Affairs, January 1, 2017. https://academic.oup.com/afraf/article/116/462/39/2605667